What to do / Cosa fare

B&B Jenny's Garden, Udine, italy. Antique Market

B&B Jenny’s Garden, Udine, Italy. Antique Market

What to do in Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Cosa fare in Friuli Venezia Giulia

Tourists visiting Friuli Venezia Giulia often have trouble getting around this extreme northeastern region of hills and valleys, which spills so far around the corner of the ­Adriatic Sea that it actually overlaps into Slovenia. Travelers are pleasantly surprised at how little time it takes to get from the mountains to the seaside. Entering the region from the north, crossing the Giulian Alps, the visitor leaves behind the green hills of Carnia and descends through rolling hills to neat fields and flatlands to the Mediterranean coast

What one finds upon visiting Friuli is undeniably Italy—old churches filled with frescoes; impeccably dressed women and men; pasta or risotto as part of every meal—but with a distinct Mitteleuropa air. Wineries are scattered among charming villages, boasting  famous wines and  highly touted restaurants.

B&B Jenny's Garden, Udine, italy. Weekly Market / Mercato Settimanale

B&B Jenny’s Garden, Udine, Italy. Weekly Market / Mercato Settimanale

There is a vast array of family owned casual or elegant restaurants scattered throughout the cities and villages. They serve irresistible salumi (cold meats), fish, meat dishes and many other local specialties worth savoring while tasting some of the best wines produced in Italy. These are the kind of places where you will feel pampered and where you would  like to eat at more than once a week.

Fiuli Venezia Giulia produces its wonderfully tangy Montasio cheese in the mountain region and scrumptious prosciutto, cured ham, from hilly San Daniele. Both products, like many others, produced in this region, are safeguarded by law to preserve their uniqueness.

B&B Jenny's Garden, Udine, Italy. The Marketplace / Il Mercato

B&B Jenny’s Garden, Udine, Italy. The Marketplace / Il Mercato

There is so much to see, foods and wines to taste, markets, museums, and much more to visit. Come to Udine in the heart of Friuli Venezia Giulia and stay with us at B&B Jenny’s Garden!

C’è moltissimo da vedere, cibi e vini da gustare, mercati, musei, e molti più da visitare. Venite a Udine nel cuore del Friuli Venezia Giulia e restate con noi al B&B Jenny’s Garden.

B&B Jenny's Garden, Udine, Italy. The Marketplace / Il Mercato

B&B Jenny’s Garden, Udine, Italy. The Marketplace / Il Mercato

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